Maximising Natural Light In Your Home

There’s no doubt that a bright, light-filled space will make you feel more uplifted throughout your day. Luckily there are plenty of things you can add to your home design to let in as much natural light as possible. Natural light is the most powerful way to brighten up your indoors and can provide great benefits such as freshening up the air in your home, bringing warmth and vitamin D and increasing your homes sustainability. We’ve shared our top five tips to maximise the natural lighting in your home to uplift your mood, and save you plenty of money on your electricity bills.


The easiest way to let more natural light into your home is to utilise large glass doors. Incorporating floor to ceiling glass doors in your home design will allow a huge amount of natural light to flow through your space and reach areas of the home which would usually be dark.


Splash-back windows are a great way to connect your kitchen to your outdoor space. Nothing beats the contrast between a lush garden and a sleek kitchen. Acting as the perfect frame, the window allow natural light to flood your kitchen. Window splash-backs will also create illusion of a larger space, making them a great option for smaller kitchen designs.


Nearly every bathroom can benefit from a skylight. The bright light from electric sources can be excessive and harsh. Using natural light will highlight your bathroom surfaces and textures in beautifully creative ways.Natural lighting is a great addition to any room that is segregated from the rest of your home, that would usually provide much natural lighting.


A laundry can often be a small, dark area, so choosing a door made of glass is a great way of inviting more natural light into your space and making it feel bigger and brighter. When designing your laundry, functionality should be high on your list of priorities. Choosing a glass door will let plenty of natural light into your laundry, making the area feel more spacious and airy. 


Highlight windows are wide, short windows positioned high on the wall above eye level that offer diffused light with little glare as they are tucked up under the eaves of a house. We recommend adding highlight windows on the south side of your house design as the sun is lower in the sky in winter, making them a great option when carrying out a passive solar strategy.